Who is behind it all

Madame Frigo is a non-profit association based in Lucerne. Among other things, all activities relating to the planning and organization of new fridge locations, the coordination of volunteers, the conception and implementation of awareness-raising measures and administrative tasks are bundled in this office.


Brandgässli 6
6004 Luzern
+41 41 521 32 20
Contact form


Marilen Zosso

Marilen Zosso (Management)

Marlen Stocker

Marlen Stocker (Community & Sites)

Tina Köhler

Tina Köhler (Fundraising & Cooperations)

Voluntary work

The individual fridge locations are looked after by more than 500 volunteers who are committed to reducing food waste. They form the very heart of our work and make Madame Frigo possible. Thank you very much!

The office team is also supported in its work by the association’s board of directors and an advisory board.

Board of directors

Jana Huwyler

Jana Huwyler (President)

Annica Huwyler

Annica Huwyler (Board member)

Cedric Zellweger

Cedric Zellweger (Board member)

Claudia Bachmann

Claudia Bachmann (Board member)

Dita Srkala

Dita Srkala (Board member)

Advisory Board

Erwin Bachmann, ehem. CEO und VR-Präsident at LZ Medien Holding AG

Joel Dickenmann, Business Designer at Accenture Song

Samuel Imbach, Programmleiter Ostafrika at St. Anna Stiftung

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