United against
food waste

Did you know that private households are among the biggest contributors of food waste in Switzerland?

Roughly 1/3rd of all food ends up as waste. With its publicly accessible fridges, Madame Frigo offers the Swiss population a practical and simple way to reduce their own food waste. At the same time, the fridges promote social involvement. To counteract the problem of food waste in the long run, Madame Frigo further carries out various awareness-raising measures.

Food on
the plate,
space in
the waste.

Fridges against food waste

The fridges, which now number over 160, result out of initiatives by interested parties and are looked after by volunteers. The concept is simple: bring what you no longer need yourself and get what was just missing at home. Thanks to the help of nearly 600 volunteers, our fridges save more than 300 tonnes of food from premature disposal every year!

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Are you in?

Madame Frigo does no longer want to watch how edible food goes to waste and pollutes the environment. Do you feel the same way? Help Madame Frigo in conquering Switzerland and support our efforts to tackle food waste! You can find your nearest public fridge here.

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